Keto Salad Recipes for Holiday Dinners collage of featured recipesipes for Holiday Dinners collage 2 of featured recipes with text overlay

Keto Salad Recipes for Holiday Dinners – Kalyn’s Kitchen

7 mins read

These Keto Salad Recipes for Holiday Dinners are great for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but enjoy these tasty low-carb salads all winter! Think of these ideas whenever you need a delicious salad idea for a special meal!

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Keto Salad Recipes for Holiday Dinners collage of featured recipesipes for Holiday Dinners collage 2 of featured recipes with text overlay

The annual food lover’s countdown to the holidays is well under way in most households! I know some people would be happy with just turkey, stuffing, rolls, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie every year for Thanksgiving dinner and maybe don’t venture too far out of their normal for Christmas dinner either.

But for those of you who like to try new holiday recipes every year, I’ve been sharing suggestions on Facebook (are you following me there?) For a holiday meal I’ll definitely indulge a bit, but I also try to have some delicious carb-conscious options.

And I think every Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner needs a special salad as part of the menu, so here’s a great collection of Keto Salad Recipes for Holiday Dinners. All these low-carb winter salads are favorite salads that I’ve made many many times, and each one is a bit more special than the usual salads you make for a week-night dinner!

What makes these salads great for the holidays?

I’d call these winter salads because they use salad ingredients that are readily available during the winter months! Of course many of these salads would be great in the summer too, but you won’t find many summery ingredients like tomatoes and cucumbers in the salads featured here.

What kinds of salads are featured here?

In this collection you’ll find salads with artichoke hearts, arugula, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green beans, kale, lettuce, and spinach.

How do you get the complete recipe?

Just click any recipe title to see the complete recipe on the blog, and enjoy!

Keto Salad Recipes with Artichoke Hearts:

Artichoke Heart Salad shown in serving bowl with napkin and salt-pepper

This Artichoke Heart Salad has roasted red peppers, capers, red onion, and basil, and this is perfect for a special meal.

Finished Artichoke Antipasto Salad with Basil Vinaigrette found on

Artichoke Antipasto Salad is so delicious and ridiculously easy to make. The fresh basil for the dressing might be a splurge in the winter, but use basil pesto if you don’t have fresh basil.

Keto Salad Recipes with Arugula:

Not everyone loves the peppery flavor of arugula. But arugula fans like me will devour Kalyn’s Favorite Baby Arugula Salad. I’d never get tired of this salad, and I especially like the addition of pine nuts!

Arugula Salad with Feta and Fresh Tomato-Balsamic Vinaigrette found on

Another option for arugula fans is this gorgeous Arugula Salad with Feta.

More Amazing Salads with Arugula:

Keto Salad Recipes with Broccoli:

Stir together the broccoli, feta, and half the almonds and toss with the dressing.  Serve salad right away, sprinkling the rest of the almonds on top.

Broccoli Salad with Feta and Almonds is so, so good. DO NOT skip the fried almonds; they make this salad!

Sweet and Sour Broccoli Salad found on

Sweet and Sour Broccoli Salad is another one that’s always a hit when I bring it to a party. I use Golden Monkfruit Sweetener (affiliate link) for the lowest-carb version of this salad.

More Amazing Salads with Broccoli:

Keto Salad Recipes with Brussels Sprouts:

Low-Carb Brussels Sprouts Salad with Bacon, Almonds, and Parmesan found on

I love this Brussels Sprouts Salad with Bacon, Almonds, and Parmesan so much I’d eat it any time of year when I could find Brussels sprouts! And this is a recipe I make every year during the holidays

Keto Salad Recipes with Cauliflower:

close-up photo Bacon and Shallot German Mock Potato Salad

Low-Carb German Potato Salad is a cauliflower version of a classic warm potato salad that’s traditional to make during the holidays. And if you like cauliflower, you will LOVE this salad.

Roasted Cauliflower Salad with Feta, Capers, and Red Pepper close-up photo

Roasted Cauliflower Salad with Feta, Capers, and Red Pepper is an absolute WOW salad any time of year. Please don’t skip the capers in this tasty salad.

More Tasty Salads with Cauliflower:

Keto Salad Recipes with Green Beans:

Thanksgiving Green Bean Salad on two serving plates with forks

This Thanksgiving Green Bean Salad is a tasty holiday salad that can be made earlier in the day and assembled right before the holiday meal!

Green Bean Salad with Hearts of Palm shown in serving bowl on napkin

Green Bean Salad with Hearts of Palm can be a great summer salad, but all these ingredients are available in the winter too, and this is so festive with the red and green colors!

More Amazing Salads with Green Beans

Keto Salads with Kale:

Caesar Salad with Kale, Romaine, and Shaved Parmesan close-up image of finished salad

If you’re not such a fan of kale, you can use all romaine lettuce in this Caesar Salad with Kale, Romaine, and Shaved Parmesan!

close-up photo of Lemon Parmesan Kale Salad in serving dish with lemons in background

I’m crazy over this Lemon Parmesan Kale Salad, and this salad marinates a while in the dressing, which tames down the kale and adds amazing flavor!

More Amazing Salads with Kale:

Keto Salad Recipes with Lettuce:

Peperoncini Chopped Salad with Romaine, Red Bell Pepper, and Feta found on

This Peperoncini Chopped Salad with Romaine, Peppers, and Feta is a favorite of many people in my extended family, and it’s always a hit no matter when I serve it!

Spring Mix Salad finished salad in glass serving bowl

When you really want a salad that’s EASY, you can’t beat this tasty Spring Mix Salad with my friend Mary’s perfect dressing for Spring Mix lettuce!

More Amazing Salads with Lettuce:

Keto Salad Recipes with Spinach:

Spinach Salad with Cranberries, Almonds, and Goat Cheese finished salads on plates

This Spinach Salad with Goat Cheese is really a wow. The dried cranberries have some carbs, so go easy on those or omit them completely for the lowest-carb version.

Spinach Salad with Bacon and Feta in serving dish with forks second photo

If you like bacon and Feta, you’re going to love this Spinach Salad with Bacon and Feta!

More Amazing Salads with Spinach:

Pinterest image of Keto Salad Recipes for Holiday Dinners

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